Elrod.com is a place where Elrod's can have a personalized elrod.com email address, plus share Elrod information like memorials, stories, recipes, nominate hall of fame candiates, advertise Elrod businesses, and post other information about Elrod's on the Elrod family blog. Viewing the site is FREE for all visitors. Members receive a personalized elrod.com email address plus they can use all of the sites features.  All individuals with the last name, maiden name, or whose mother's maiden name is Elrod are eligible to become members. Most Elrod's in the US are decsendents of Johan Teter Elrod. Â
Born: Monday, January 1, 1968
Elrod House was designed by the AmericanarchitectJohn Lautner and constructed in 1968. It is located on the edge of a hill in Palm Springs California. The construction of the...
Posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 in Actors by Admin • (6,630 Views)
Born: Sunday, May 29, 1927 | Died: Monday, December 30, 2002
Marcia was born in Salem Indiana the youngest of three children. She was an incredible mother to three children always doing whatever it took to protect and raise them. She...
Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 by Jack's Family • (4,489 Views)
Five sons of Hallie and Gale Elrod of Martinsburg served their country in the years spanning 1943 through 1990. There were three daughters in this family also: Jo Ann Betty and...
Posted on Sunday, February 22, 2015 by Admin • (4102 Views)
SERVES 12 adults easy conversion - for 3 adults divide by 4 12 pounds appoximately 4 slabs baby back pork ribs 4 cups brown sugar 4 teaspoons of liquid smoke 4 tablespoons...
Posted on Sunday, July 5, 2015 in BBQ and Grilling by Admin • (3,990 Views)

If you want to be self employed and you are searching online for a business opportunity your biggest challenge is finding the best online businesses that are viable opportunities. According to Dartmouth College being ones own boss is a dream that many people have but less than 10 percent ever achieve.
Posted on Monday, April 27, 2015 in Business Support, Services, & Supplies by Admin • (3961 Clicks)
The following is part of a letter written by Dr. John Parker Elrod M.D. in 1979.
"The earliest Elrods came from between Switzerland and Germany. The first Elrod family immigrant that was found is John Teter Elrod. John was the English form of Johan. His middle name was Teter, also listed as Deter, Theodore and Deitrick. The last name was variously spelled Elrod, Ellrod, Ellrodt, Ellrad, and Ellradt. One can easily see how the German form of this name would come out to be spelled in English as Elrod. The various spellings are listed in the LutheranChurch records of Maryland and then later in the extensive records of the Moravian Church in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
In a letter dated July 20, 1919, Samuel Harrison Elrod wrote, “It is historically established in the Bureau of Industrial Statistics of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that John Teter Elrod, Sigmund Landredth, John Good, Peter Newcomb, John Swoope, and Adam Ream came from Switzerland about 1730 and settled in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They sailed from Rotterdam, Holland. They were Switzer-German.â€Â Samuel Harrison Elrod, who wrote this, was the first governor of South Dakota.
Some Elrods stayed behind in Pennsylvania and in 1919 were living in Butler and Mercer counties, Pennsylvania. From Pennsylvania, the Elrods went to Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland and North Carolina. A large group of Elrods lived about Winston Salem, North Carolina and some became Moravians, these are easy to trace. From North Carolina, the Elrods again spread, about 1800, to South Carolina around Greenville and Anderson county. From North Carolina they also spread to Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana in the early 1800’s.
A large number of the group in the Pendelton District of South Carolina remained there and a good settlement is there to this day, 1979. From South Carolina, the Elrods spread to Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas. Some of this group from Georgia migrated north to Tennessee, around Chattanooga, and a large number of their descendants are still in this area. The group which went to Texas helped form Anderson County Texas, naming the county after Anderson County, South Carolina. The town of Brush Creek in Texas, AndersonCounty, was named after the town of Brushy Creek, South Carolina, where they had lived."
The following describes John Teter Elrod's Son Christopher Elrod
Copied from an entry in the First Congregation Church Book, the entry having been made at the time of his death which occurred January 29, 1785:
Christopher Elrod was born January the 29th, 1721, in Pennsylvania and was brought up a Lutheran. In the year 1743, 26th of May, he married Aaltje Soell, the present widow, which marriage was blest by God with 12 children, to whom 10 are yet alive, belonging all to our congregation and society. From Pennsylvania he moved to Manakasy in Maryland, and from thence to North Carolina in 1751, settling himself on the Yadkin. Hitherto as he often mentioned, he was an industrious and hard working man who feared God and was true, as he thought, to the principles of his religion; but he lived in proud conceit, and knew nothing of heart sorrow. The first time, as he remembered, that his heart was truly touched by our Savior was in a sermon delivered by the Rev. Bishop Spangenberg to the people that were fled for fear of the Indians to the Bethara Mill Fort, in the year 1759. From this he grew uneasy and became concerned for his soul’s salvation and sought acquaintance with the Brethren. The Brethren Soelle and Utley, who went about in the country to preach the gospel, visited him frequently and stayed at his house, so as all those who went about in quest of souls for our Saviour were always kindly received by him, and could refresh themselves after their toil and trouble, with his family. On the 4th of April, 1773, he was received into the congregation at Friedburg, and January 22, 1774, he partook for the first time of the Holy Sacrament with the congregation there. In the process of time he promoted the building of an English school and meeting house here in Hope with all his might, and rejoiced greatly when in the year 1780 an English Brethren’s congregation was established here. From that time he was a member thereof. He served this little congregation with the gifts which the Saviour bestowed on him; was an active member of our committee these four years, and his desire was that young and old might prosper for our Saviour. He had a hot and fiery temper, and could often fall hard to others, by his positiveness and absoluteness, yet he was conscious thereof and soon made up again because he loved to live in peace with all men. He was strong and healthy in constitution, complaining seldom of any ailment, yet of late he had an intimation as it were of his approaching departure. About seven weeks ago he began to complain about pains in his breast, which increased so that he was obliged to take to his bed, and because he grew worse from day to day soon believed that our Saviour would call him home by reason of this sickness. On the 21st he called his children; gave them his farewell blessing, exhorting them to be faithful to our Saviour, and recommended to them their dear mother. On the 29th of January in the morning at 7 o’clock, being his birthday our Saviour took this faithful Brother home to himself, exactly 64 years old. Beside the surviving widow and 10 children, he also leaves 31 grandchildren and one great grandchild. (Copied from Family Records, Book B, Pages 35a-35b)Â
We Elrods are intersting people & great citizens the following are examples:Â
Steve Elrod Insurance & Associates (Business)
Located in Bainbridge Georgia, Steve Elrod & Associates has been in business since 1978, and with Life Insurance Company of Alabama since 1983. They have been installing and maintaining cafeteria plans in Georgia public schools and hospitals longer than any independent agency in Georgia. Their office implements more cafeteria plans in Georgia public schools than any other individual insurance agent.
They offer payroll deduction products with Life Insurance Company of Alabama. Even though they can sell for any company in the market place, they choose Life Insurance Company of Alabama because of the products and service they provide. They have an excellent relationship with the company and their direct service from their office was built on the confidence of knowing that Life Insurance Company of Alabama is there.
Prissy Elrod (Speaker and Author)
Prissy was born and raised in Lake City . . . a charming little town nestled in northern Florida. She has a small studio in her home, dividing her time between painting and writing. The painting came first, her canvases filled with paintings of children, landscapes, Florida, water, barns, and pets. Writing came a few years later. She awoke one morning with a yearning, a feeling surfaced from deep within. She had a story to tell. Her writing journey began that very day. Prissy never thought of herself as a writer, most certainly never an author. Like many things in her life, writing evolved during the process of living. It would take four years before she finished her first book, having read, then arduously studied over forty-eight books on the craft of writing. She may never know where the urge to write came from, or really why. She is simply grateful it did.
Scott Elrod (Actor)
Elrod was born into an American military family in Germany. After moving around the Philippines with his military family, he was raised in Parker, Colorado. His father was an F-16 pilot and Elrod wanted to become a pilot himself. He earned his pilot license after graduation and became an air traffic controller.[2]
After seeing the film Top Gun, Elrod decided to become an actor. He relocated to Los Angeles, in April 2004, to pursue a career in acting. Eventually, his performances in small parts in CSI: NY and Days of Our Livesbrought him to the attention of the casting crew of Men in Trees, in which he played the part of Anne Heche's friend, occasional roommate, and sometimes love interest "Cash".[2] In 2013, he starred in the films Home Runand Lone Survivor.
She chills with her dogs, Sasha and Mindy, and a full-size Dr. Who TARDIS she once built when she had too much time on her hands. (We'll gloss over the K-9 in her garage.) Her hair remains red nearly all the time, except when it's on fire because of a deadline. Everything else is subject to rewrite.
In between the novel writing, Pat is polishing her editing and script writing skills.  "I've several original projects in mind for screenplays, including scripts for my own novels.  The story-telling demands are different for a visual medium, but that's right up my alley.  When I write, I tend to run a film of the action in my head, so doing scripts is just an extension of that for me."
Pat loves meeting readers of her books and guesting at Sci/Fi conventions all over the country--when she has the time!
Hal Elrod (Speaker and Author)
In addition to being one of the highest rated keynote speakers in America, Hal Elrod is the #1 bestselling author of what’s being widely regarded as one “one of the most life-changing books ever written,â€Â The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life… (Before 8AM). He’s also a Hall of Fame business achiever, one of America’s top Success Coaches, an ultra-marathon runner, and grateful husband & father.
Known as “Yo Pal Halâ€Â since hosting his first radio show at age 15, his greatest triumph came at age 20 after he was hit head on by a drunk driver (at 80 mph) and found dead at the scene…
Despite being dead for six minutes, in a coma for six days, breaking 11 bones and being told he may never walk again, Hal defied the logic of doctors and the temptations to be a victim, and he bounced back to prove that ALL of us are capable of overcoming extraordinary adversity to create extraordinary results in our personal and professional lives.Â
Hal has appeared on dozens of TV and radio shows across the country, and he’s been featured in numerous books, including The Education of Millionaires, the all-time bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Cutting Edge Sales, The 800-Pound Gorilla of Sales, Releasing the Chains, Living College Life In the Front Row, andThe Author’s Guide To Building An Online Platform, to name a few.
His #1 bestselling book, The Miracle Morning and his highly acclaimed #6 bestseller, Taking Life Head On!are two of the most acclaimed books on Amazon with a combined 800+ 5-star reviews.
Elrod Power Systems
Elrod Power Systems has been producing power cables since 2002. Their reputation has grown over the years mainly by word of mouth. With the introduction of their new power cable line in 2009 they also introduced interconnects and speaker cables. The cable line is divided into two performance levels. Gold and Silver. The Gold series is our reference line and the Silver series is our entry level. Their new cables build on the strengths of our past efforts without sacrificing the best that they offered.
Their cables are carefully hand built from the inside out, each requiring many hours of labor. They use copper, silver, and gold to enhance the musicality of their patented design. Resonance control, unique shielding, high quality terminations, and minimal impact dielectric materials contribute to the performance of the cables. All of the cables feature new flexible ends making installation much easier. For their terminations they use the very best connectors from Oyaide, Bocchino Audio, and WBT. (Check the bottom of this page for links to the respective websites)
Technology only tells part of the story. Your ears will tell you the rest. For information on how to experience our cables for yourself please refer to the contact page.
Randy Elrod (Ordained Minister and Author)
For most of his life he was afraid to follow his passion. Growing up he was told exactly what to do. And the American educational system told him there was only one way to do it. He was told by religion, “the answer is NO—about everythingâ€.  And now he is told daily by society, “it is what it isâ€. His first half of life was all about doing. There was no emphasis at all on BEING.  He didn’t know how to be who he really was.
Randy says, As an ordained minister, for twenty-nine years I did what I was expected to do, followed in my Dad’s footsteps, and served as Pastor of the Arts at two of the most influential mega-churches in the world.Â
I’ve authored five books, two of which hit #1 on the Amazon Best-Seller list, created and sold two very successful companies, one during the height of the NASDAQ boom, performed for thousands, and by American standards was a rousing success. One of my friends, a Type A wild man who worked for years in the commodity pit in Chicago, says I have a golden horseshoe stuffed up my rear end.
But eight years ago my life felt like it had been torn into a thousand pieces. I was tired and miserable from all the doing and felt like giving up. Thankfully I finally discovered the COURAGE to be who I really am. It was about breaking the chains of family, education, religion and society, and Finally Asking Life’s Most Important Questions. Turns out there’s a universal human need buried underneath those unasked questions.
Hopefully, this blog will give you a sense of my journey, my ups and downs, my joys and sorrows—and perhaps give you the courage to craft your life questions. I typically post one to two times a week. To make sure you don’t miss my latest posts, you can subscribe via RSS or email.
By the way, I address eight of these universal questions—Guilt, Addiction, Betrayal, Loneliness, Grief & Loss, Doubt, Depression, Fear & Anxiety—in my upcoming DVD God, I Have A Question or Two which releases Thanksgiving week. I’m joined on the DVD by a multi-vocational panel (some of the most amazing people I’ve ever known) who discuss these questions honestly and candidly. There is also an easy-to-use self-coaching guide. You can get updates and more info about God, I Have A Question or Two by following me on Twitter HERE or by liking my Facebook page HERE.â€